Sunday, October 2, 2011

Is it vacation time yet?

This week, I feel like school stresses have culminated and have reached to a point where I feel exhausted. Receiving a not so good first Chemistry test back, writing an essay stating the difference between biological essentialism and social constructivism when it comes to sexuality to explain why human beings want what they want, and reading a ton of pages has pushed me to the edge. I need some kind of opportunity to rejuvenate myself.  So, that is why I ask:  is it vacation time yet? Luckily, I have a fall break in a week so I am happy to finally be able to sleep in, relax, and give myself a dose of therapy to calm me down.
Work -.-
I think being on-the-go eventually causes everyone to feel “burnt out” or like they need some kind of break to rejuvenate and gain back the motivation they initially started with. And that is why I think the reading I did for my writing class came at such an opportune time. In this class, we focus on civil engagement to try to identify our motivations and why we should even care about volunteerism. We read a chapter from Robert Cole’s book The Call of Service titled “Hazards”. In the chapter, Coles talks about the moment when you have invested so much of yourself in a specific project that you are left feeling “burnt out”, depressed, cynical and/or exhausted because you do not see any results or feel like you’re actually making a difference. 
I think what Coles was talking about also applies to life in general as well. One gets so fed up and so debilitated from everyday small stresses that they end up burnt out and needing time to recharge, similar to what I am feeling now.

Sometimes, you have to sit back, relax, and reflect.
So how to you get out of this slump? What are you supposed to do to “recharge”?

I connected with this quote because it reminded me that feeling exhausted and “burnt out” are mere temporary feelings. It helps me realize that it is indeed not the end of the world and to do one thing at a time and be happy that I was able to do that one thing.  Life is constantly changing and I must enjoy every single moment of it even when it is not going well or if I am stressed.
So to those who recognize what I am going through or are going through the same, please know that you are definitely not alone. It is important to enjoy life in all of its glory. Take a break to reignite that passion within you.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you brought this topic up, Karina! We all feel like this at one time or another. It's important to take time daily to breathe, exercise, meditate, chat with a friend, read a few pages of a book, watch your favorite TV show, something that helps you break with the routine, so you don't burn out.
